Monday, July 13, 2009

While Im in the mood

To futher the talk about Indie films and Foreign films... a good second is Spanish. They do things just as good as the french but with completely different subject matter. A beautiful/hilarious/fucked up Spanish film that you have to watch is Y tu mama tambien (and your mother too). Its one of those instant classics... and u don't even realize you're reading subtitles (always a plus). Just for Perks, Gael Garcia Bernal is a perfect person to have to watch, if u must watch a movie in a foreign language ;)

other badass Spanish (-ish) films

Like water for chocolate
Amores Perros
The Science of Sleep
El Orfanato (The Orphanage)

1 comment:

  1. that movie was fuckin awesome i went to see the showing of it here in atl and got to meet the producer
